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Follow these basic steps to join our worship service on Sunday mornings.

Step 1: Find a comfortable spot in your home to sit facing your phone or computer (make sure your phone and computer have cameras so we can see your smiling face).

Step 2: Prepare your own version of

communion to share later in the service when it is time - and light a candle if you like to help get yourself ready for worship.

Step 3: Click on this link to join the Zoom FCC Fullerton Worship Service.


Step 4: You will be asked your name.

Type in your name.


Step 5: It will ask to use your camera.

Click allow.


Step 6:

Click join meeting.


If you have any trouble accessing the worship service you can call in from your phone, and listen:

Phone number: 1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 612 191 4820


We will be recording the worship experience and will share that link afterward, in case you miss anything.


Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday mornings.

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